Upcoming Events: Science Day; Dance Company in Residence


Dartmouth Now offers a weekly roundup of noteworthy events on campus.

The dance company Abraham.In.Motion will enrich next week’s performances of When the Wolves Came In with a post-show discussion at 9 each night, led by company choreographer and artistic director Kyle Abraham. Performances are at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, and Wednesday, April 1, in the Hopkins Center’s Moore Theater. On Wednesday, Abraham, the winner of a 2013 MacArthur genius award, teaches an intermediate level master class for dancers at 4:30 p.m. in the Berry Sports Center’s Strauss Dance Studio.


Image removed.The dance company Abraham.In.Motion performs “When the Wolves Came In” March 31 and April 1 at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. (Photo by Ian Douglas) 

Thursday, March 26: Matt Winkler, editor-in-chief emeritus at Bloomberg, speaks on “Truth in the Age of Twitter” at a seminar sponsored by the Center for Global Business and Government. Winkler’s talk begins at noon in the General Motors Classroom in the Tuck School’s Byrne Hall. 

Friday, March 27: The Dartmouth Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence presents a daylong symposium on “Targeting, Diagnostics, and Therapy,” featuring presenters from the fields of engineering, immunology, surgery, and medicine. Sessions begin at 7:45 a.m. in Auditorium G of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center on the Dartmouth-Hitchcock campus. 

Saturday, March 28: Researchers-in-training welcome visitors to their labs for Dartmouth’s third annual Science Day, led by Dartmouth’s Graduate Women in Science and Engineering group. Interactive activities and demonstrations—geared toward students in the sixth through ninth grades and accompanying adults—run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at various locations on campus. 

Monday, March 30: Spring Term classes begin. Welcome back!

Monday, March 30: Thayer School of Engineering hosts Lauren Shluzas of Stanford for a seminar on “Health Systems Design and Implementation: A User-Centered Perspective.” Shluzas’ talk is at 4 p.m. in Cummings 200.

Wednesday, April 1: The Tucker Foundation hosts its spring 2015 volunteer fair, offering opportunities to connect with community service organizations that are looking for volunteers.



Kelly Sundberg Seaman