Ask Well: Arsenic in Rice Crackers? (The New York Times)


To help answer a reader’s question posed on The New York Times “Ask Well” column about the levels of arsenic found in rice vinegar and rice crackers, the newspaper’s Deborah Blum turns to Dartmouth’s Brian Jackson for his expertise on the subject.

“The question for everyone is, ‘Do I worry?’ ” says Jackson, a research associate professor of earth sciences and director of the Trace Metal Analysis Core Facility at Dartmouth. “If you are a person who is eating rice every day and also snacking on rice products, then that five micrograms from rice crackers become significant. If once a month, not so much. The idea is to eat a varied diet — and be aware of how much rice you are eating.”

Read the full opinion piece, published 3/13/15 by The New York Times.

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