Dartmouth Hosts I.T. Conference: “Securing the eCampus”


Dartmouth’s Institute for Security, Technology, and Society and Information Technology Services are sponsoring “Securing the eCampus 2014,” a two-day conference on information security in higher education.

Keynote speaker Nate Fick ’99 is an information security expert and best-selling author. (Courtesy of Nate Fick ’99)

“While corporations have long been a target, higher education is now experiencing intruders whose goal is to access the intellectual property of the institution,” says Ellen Waite-Franzen, vice president for Information Technology.

The keynote address will be given by Nate Fick ’99, chief executive officer of Endgame, Inc. and former CEO of the Center for a New American Security, a national security research organization. The Dartmouth alumnus and member of the Board of Trustees served as a Marine Corps infantry officer in Afghanistan and Iraq. His book about the experience, One Bullet Away, was a New York Times bestseller.

The conference will take place on July 15 and 16 in Kemeny Hall at the Haldeman Center and will feature presentations by information security and educational information technology leaders. Presentations will cover risk management, regulations and policy, disaster recovery, emerging global cyber-security threats, security awareness, and more. The agenda for the conference is available online.

A breakfast buffet at the Hanover Inn will kick off the conference on July 15, followed by a full day of lectures and discussion. A networking reception will be held in the evening at the Dartmouth Outing Club House. Lectures and discussion will continue the morning of July 16, and the conference will conclude with lunch.

The conference is open to the public, but paid registration is required.

Joseph Blumberg