Work: An Asia/America Studies Symposium

"The Work of Asian American Studies," a panel with Ren-yo Hwang (Mount Holyoke); Anna Storti (Dartmouth); Carolyn Areum Choi (Dartmouth); and Bobby Benedicto (McGill).

May 21, 2021
4 pm - 6 pm
Sponsored by
Leslie Center for the Humanities, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
More information
Bevan Dunbar

What work is left to do in Asian American studies? What is the work that must be done not to define but to question and expand the imagined disciplinary bounds of Asian American studies? Taking up multiple feminist, queer, and transnational modes of Asian Americanist critique, we will turn to what has “fallen away” from the identities/regions, forms of labor/work/capital, objects of study, and methods that have been centered in the field. “Work” is linked closely with the recuperative criticism that Asian American Studies performs within the university, from the migrant worker of the 19th century to the flexible global citizens of finance capital today.

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  • May 20, 4-6 PM ET Keynote by Neferti Tadiar (Barnard College) The Vitality of Servitude: Reproductive Work in the Globopolis
  • May 21, 4-6 PM ET The Work of Asian American Studies, a panel with remarks from Neferti X. M. Tadiar
    • Ren-yo Hwang (Mount Holyoke College) Abolition, Hate Crimes and #StopAAPIHate: Carceral Accuracy and Possessive Investment in Data
    • Anna Storti (Dartmouth College) The Whiteness inside Asian America: A “Rapist Cop” and His Racial Form
    • Bobby Benedicto (McGill University) The Form of Non-meaning: Sex, Suicide, and the Art of Ren Hang
    • Carolyn Areum Choi (Dartmouth College) Invisible Citizens: Semi-Legibility of South Korean Student Migrants and Undocumented Work Lives in the United States


Sponsored by the Leslie Center for the Humanities.

Sponsored by
Leslie Center for the Humanities, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
More information
Bevan Dunbar