Physics & Astronomy Virtual Quantum/Nano Seminar - Pranay Barkataki, VNIT

Title: "The Study of Random State and The Disordered Majumdar-Ghosh Model"

February 4, 2021
4 pm - 5 pm
Zoom: Email for link and password
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Tressena Manning
Abstract: We study the two-qubit subsystem reduced density matrix of the superposed state of a 2N qubit Bell state and a random real pure state. At the thermodynamic limit, we have proved that the two-qubit reduced density matrix (both qubits are in the same Dimer state) of the superposed state is indeed the Werner state. We then study the entanglement behavior of the low lying energy eigenstates of the one-dimensional disordered Majumdar-Ghosh model. We have also developed an expression to detect the avoided crossings between any energy eigenstates of the model and the mathematical expression is sans entanglement measure.
Zoom: Email for link and password
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Physics & Astronomy Department
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Tressena Manning