Parthajeet Sarma presents "Playfulness as an Attitude to Build Resilience"

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds

November 4, 2020
5 pm - 6 pm
Via WebEx
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Pathology Department
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Susan Gagnon

Description:  We live in highly uncertain times. Be it your personal lives or a business that you may be running, the age of predictability is gone, for good. As individuals, it is very difficult to predict the results of actions that we may take to advance our professional career. At an organizational level, businesses can no longer be built on the basis of what worked yesterday. Product life cycles are getting shorter by the day and this just adds to the complexity of staying relevant. Parthajeet Sarma espouses the need to adopt a tried and tested approach of a playful attitude to combat uncertainty. This can be adopted by organisations and individuals alike. Learn to appreciate and adopt playfulness as a ‘mindset’ and not as an activity. Playfulness as serious business and not as something frivolous.  This helps develop mental agility in uncertain times, by adoption of a methodology that is basic to human nature and is simple to practice.

Bio:  Parthajeet Sarma is a Chevening scholar from Oxford University-UK, Architect with an MBA, a writer, award-winning innovator and entrepreneur.  He is the founder of workplace transformation consultancy practice iDream, founded in 2003.  As a boutique practice, iDream has been handholding corporate organizations transition into new ways of working.  Additionally Parthajeet represents the India interests of Advanced Workplace Associates of London, a global leader in workplace transformation.

Parthajeet devotes his spare time to sharing his experiences amongst University students, in R&D and in writing.  His last book written, in 2018, is titled ‘The Radically Changing Nature of Work, Workers & Workplaces’.  He is the joint winner of The Economic Times’s ‘Power of Ideas’ 2012 for the project ‘Ideal Choice Homes’’, besides other awards.  He has been featured across various electronic and print media including CNBC’s “Young Turks”.  He is a regular speaker at Industry forums and often conducts workshops around ‘change management’ for corporate organizations.

Via WebEx
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Pathology Department
More information
Susan Gagnon