Nixtamilization Workshop

Dalia Rodriguez Caspeta ’18, Program Coordinator in the Sustainability Office, will be leading a workshop to discuss and demonstrate the millennia-old process of nixtamilization.

October 20, 2020
5 pm - 6 pm
Zoom: Meeting ID 922 6693 0542, Passcode corn
Sponsored by
Office of Sustainability
More information
Molly McBride

Nixtamilization Workshop

The Dartmouth Sustainability Office is putting on a virtual event series centering the staple ingredient of corn, which spans many cultures in many different forms. By emphasizing the importance of a single ingredient, we hope to thread various experiences together into a fuller understanding of our relationships to the land and one another. 

Nixtamalization is a millennia-old technique that enhances the advantages and usability of corn, and is essential for preparing numerous traditional foods made from corn. Dalia Rodriguez Caspeta ’18, Program Coordinator in the Sustainability Office, will be leading a workshop to discuss and demonstrate this process. Anyone is welcome to tune in here, but if you are in the Upper Valley and register here, we will provide you with your own ingredients kit so you can nixtamalize at home!

Sign ups for materials will close at 5 pm on Sunday, October 18th and are limited to 20 people.

Zoom: Meeting ID 922 6693 0542, Passcode corn
Sponsored by
Office of Sustainability
More information
Molly McBride