Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar Series

Please join us for a talk to be given by Natasha Parikh (Harvard University).

October 20, 2020
12 pm - 1 pm
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Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
More information
Courtney Rogers

Title: Harnessing your imagination to reframe negative memories

Abstract:  Revisiting and remembering past memories is a regular part of everyday life. However, sometimes people fixate on negative memories in ways that can be maladaptive. How might we prevent the ill effects of negative memory recollection? In this talk, I propose the use of a naturalistic technique, called counterfactual thinking, to help people process negative memories. Counterfactual thinking is the process of reflecting upon memories by imagining how they could have gone differently; these are often phrased as “what if” or “if only” statements (e.g., “what if I had studied more for my test?”). While counterfactual thinking is largely automatic, it may be intentionally utilized to alter the emotional response to a memory. By examining counterfactual thinking as an emotion regulation technique, we may begin to use this method to combat behaviors such as worry and rumination that are associated with maladaptive memory simulation.

About Us:

The Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth has launched a new seminar series, Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience. This seminar series is devoted to highlighting innovative advances in cognitive neuroscience. The seminar series also is dedicated to leveraging science as a vehicle for social justice. Through this seminar series we hope to recognize outstanding research conducted by historically underrepresented groups (HURG) in Cognitive Neuroscience and related fields, including women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and individuals/people with disabilities. Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience is a collaboration between Dartmouth College, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Harvard University, and Columbia University. It is funded by the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth College. 

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Sponsored by
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
More information
Courtney Rogers