The Symbolic Effects of Women in Political Office

Lecture by Mia Costa

May 8, 2020
11 am - 12 am
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Program in Quantitative Social Science
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Mallory Connor

Scholars, activists, and policymakers alike have argued that the presence of women in politics not only enhances substantive representation of women, but also comes with symbolic benefits like increased levels of political efficacy and engagement among women. Yet few studies have examined whether a “backlash” occurs among other groups. Perceptions of out-group privilege, for instance, may make men react negatively to narratives about women gaining more political power. Moreover, if the gains are politically one-sided, as they were in the 2018 midterm elections, then any positive effects may be asymmetrical across party; the more Democratic women gain office, Republican women may not experience the symbolic benefits of descriptive representation. In this talk, we discuss the methodological challenges involved in isolating the effect of more women in office and present results from a survey experiment on the impact of the Democratic "pink wave" in 2018. We then present a research design for a new experimental survey to be fielded about the 2020 elections.


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Program in Quantitative Social Science
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Mallory Connor