“Identity, Incivility, and Policy Issues in Congressional Communication”

A live event with Mia Costa, Asst. Prof. of Govt., Dartmouth College. Join us for Rocky Watch, a weekly series of live broadcasts with a variety of public policy experts.

April 15, 2020
5 pm - 6 pm
Zoom Meeting: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/504883025
Sponsored by
Rockefeller Center
More information
Joanne Blais

Lecture Info:
Representation on policy issues is often thought to be the cornerstone of representative democracy, but in an era of “identity politics” and “negative partisanship,” there are many ways representatives connect with their constituents. For example, congressional communication sent to constituents often focuses on a shared identity, drawing constituents into in-groups based on their social identities or partisanship, or denigrates out-groups using uncivil language. Utilizing a large dataset of congressional newsletters, Professor Costa examines how ideas of identity versus policy are evoked in congressional communication and how these patterns have consequences for political representation

Speaker Bio:
Mia Costa is Assistant Professor of Government at Dartmouth College. Her research focuses on representation, public opinion, gender, and participation in American politics. She received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Zoom Meeting: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/504883025
Sponsored by
Rockefeller Center
More information
Joanne Blais