Film: "Parasite"

Part thriller, part comedy, Bong Joon-ho’s exhilarating Palme d’Or-winner follows two families from different social strata whose lives become dangerously entwined.

January 30, 2020
7:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
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After star-studded international co-productions Snowpiercer and Okja, Bong Joon-ho returns to his roots in Korean social satire with this riotously entertaining story of class warfare set in socioeconomically stratified Seoul. 

A close-knit, threadbare family of four struggling to make ends meet gradually hatches a scheme to work for (and, as a result, infiltrate) the wealthy household of an executive, his seemingly frivolous wife and their troubled kids. How they go about doing this—and how their best-laid plans spiral out to destruction and madness—constitutes one of the wildest, scariest and most unexpectedly affecting movies in years. 

Executed with the precision of a cinematic master, Parasite is both rollicking and ruminative in its depiction of class resentment and the extremes to which human beings push themselves in a world of unending, unbridgeable economic inequality. D: Bong Joon-ho, South Korea, subtitled, 2019, 2h11m


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Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
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Hopkins Center for the Arts
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Hopkins Center Box Office