George Ticknor and the Start of America's Spanish Craze

This lecture will study the life and work of renowned Hispanist George Ticknor, as well as his scholarly legacy.

October 31, 2019
4 pm - 6 pm
Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Sponsored by
Spanish and Portuguese Department
More information
Prof. José M. del Pino
603 646 2105

This lecture will study the life and work of renowned Hispanist George Ticknor, as well as his
scholarly legacy. His love for classical and modern languages started at Dartmouth in 1805-07.
ADer studying in Germany and travelling to France, Spain and Portugal, Ticknor returned to the
US to become the first Professor of French and Spanish at Harvard College in 1819. From that
posiMon, Ticknor greatly contributed to strengthening the study of modern languages and
literatures. Some of his works include his lecture “The Best Methods of Teaching the Living
Languages” (1832) and his monumental History of Spanish Literature, 3 vols. (1849). DeparMng
from Ticknor’s contribuMons to the field, Prof. Kagan will explore the recepMon o f Hispanic
cultures (high and popular) in the United States during the 19[\ and early 20[\ centuries, a topic
thoroughly examined in his recent book, The Spanish Craze. America’s Fascination with the
Hispanic World 1779 - 1939.

Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Sponsored by
Spanish and Portuguese Department
More information
Prof. José M. del Pino
603 646 2105