Model Averaging in Choice Modelling

Applications to model structure and identifying sources of heterogeneity with Stephane Hess, Professor of Choice Modelling, Institute for Transport Studies

October 15, 2019
2 pm - 3 pm
Rm. 202, Cummings Hall
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Thayer School of Engineering
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Holly Buker

Despite the frequent use of model averaging in many disciplines, it is not often considered in travel behaviour or choice modelling. We identify three key opportunities for model averaging: 1) For the difficult choice between a number of desirable advanced models; 2) When advanced models cannot be used due to the size of the data and/or choice sets; 3) To help reduce the risk of confounding between heterogeneity in individual sensitivities and heterogeneity in model structures. Additionally, we demonstrate that model averaging can be used to obtain more reliable elasticities and welfare measures.


Rm. 202, Cummings Hall
Sponsored by
Thayer School of Engineering
More information
Holly Buker