Psychological and Brain Sciences Colloquium

Kari Hoffman, PhD, Vanderbilt University

November 15, 2019
4 pm - 5 pm
Moore B03
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Psychological and Brain Sciences Department
More information
Michelle Powers

Please join us in Moore BO3 on Friday, November 15, 2019, at 4 p.m., as Kari Hoffman, Associate Professor of Psychology at Vanderbilt University, presents “Retrospective: Brain-Behavior Coupling in Hippocampo-Cortical Circuits.”

Hippocampal oscillatory states are tightly coupled to behavioral and sleep states, at least in rats and mice. Theta oscillations appear consistently throughout locomotor and other volitional exploratory movements, and also in REM sleep. In contrast, sharp-wave ripples appear during immobility, consummatory behaviors and in non-REM sleep. Our recent work in the macaque and in humans suggest that this coupling is substantially altered in the primate brain. I will describe our work using wireless recordings in the neocortex and hippocampus of freely moving macaques to better understand the neural correlates of behavioral states (and vice versa).  Within the confines of screen-based scene search tasks, we found additional evidence for activity that appends (or, upends?)  “rat canon”, whether for sharp-wave ripples in the hippocampus, or for retrosplenial cortex activity as visual memories age.

A reception will follow outside of Moore 202.

Moore B03
Sponsored by
Psychological and Brain Sciences Department
More information
Michelle Powers