Prof. Philip Marriott's seminar at Thayer

Prof. Philip Marriott from Monash University, Australia, one of the pioneers in multidimensional chromatography is going to provide a special talk in Thayer.

May 9, 2019
1 pm - 3 pm
M201 (Rett's Room), Thayer
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Thayer School of Engineering
More information
Mohammad Sharif Khan
Prof. Philip Marriott from Monash University, Australia, is visiting Thayer School during 9-10 of May. Prof. Marriott is the co-chairman of the GCxGC conference which is scheduled in May at Texas. He is the Deputy Director of the Australian Center of Research on Separation Science (ACROSS). Prof. Marriott's contribution to GCxGC is invaluable as he was the inventor of the LCMS modulator which makes the foundation of the first commercial modulation for GCxGC community. 
We are organizing a specials seminar for Prof. Marriott in Thayer school. Please find the detail  below:

"Can we Consider Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography a ‘Super-Resolution’ Technique?"

May 9th

Rett's room (Maclean 201)

1:10 to 2:10 PM

Please circulate this seminar news to the interested researcher in Thayer and other schools. At the same time, it could be a good chance for graduate students to get an answer to their questions on the field of multidimensional separation science. Please use this Google spreadsheet timing to talk with him personally.
M201 (Rett's Room), Thayer
Sponsored by
Thayer School of Engineering
More information
Mohammad Sharif Khan