Event Cinema: Great Art on Screen: "Klimt & Schiele: Eros and Psyche"

Vienna’s golden age comes alive in this visual feast, which centers on an exhibition of Klimt’s erotic mosaic-like works and the magnetic nudes drawn by his protégé.

May 26, 2019
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
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Hopkins Center for the Arts
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Hopkins Center Box Office

Scandals, dreams and obsessions in Vienna’s golden age come alive in this visual feast. In the late 1890s, a magical art movement formed with fresh ideas circulating around art, literature and music. Freud expounded on the drives of the psyche and women begin to claim their independence. This “Vienna Secession” marked a new era outside the confines of academic tradition.

At the heart of Secession were artists Gustav Klimt and his protégé and dear friend Egon Schiele. Unfolding against the backdrop of nocturnal Vienna with its masked balls and fever dreams, this seductive art documentary proves an in-depth examination of images of extraordinary power. From the eroticism of Klimt’s mosaic-like paintings, to the anguished and raw work of the young Schiele’s magnetic nudes and contorted figures, the film celebrates a seismic shift in European art and culture.


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Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
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Hopkins Center for the Arts
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Hopkins Center Box Office