OSHER@Dartmouth Lecture: Is This How Fascism Comes to America?

Dr. David Bisno will lead us through a consideration of the reshaping of politics and society that is sweeping Europe, Asia and South America.

December 1, 2018
9 am - 12 pm
Moore Hall B02 Basement Foyer
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
More information
Sarah Chamberlin

Special Lecture by Dr. David Bisno:
Is This How Fascism Comes to America?

Saturday, December 1
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Filene Auditorium, Moore Psychology Building
3 Maynard Street
Hanover, NH

With Madeleine Albright's current best seller, Fascism – A Warning, as a guide (and suggested reading) David will lead us through a consideration of the reshaping of politics and society that is sweeping Europe, Asia and South America with an emphasis on the disturbing parallels of nationalism and tribalism that we see unfolding here in the United States. Are we in the U.S., the nation that saved the liberal world order seventy-five years ago, missing a critical truth by viewing the world through the distorting, rose colored lens of what has been our all-too-comfortable bubble? Have we forgotten that when things start to go wrong, they can go wrong very quickly? That once a world order breaks down, the worst qualities of humanity emerge uncontrolled and run wild? Discussion is expected to be relevant and lively.

David Bisno, M.D., a retired ophthalmologist with degrees from Harvard, Dartmouth and the Washington University School of Medicine, has been an enthusiastic discussion leader within institutes for lifelong learning across our country and overseas on a myriad of topics for 25 years. David's intention is to teach and stimulate discussion, not to advocate.

Previous Osher/ILEAD attendees of David's lectures have come to expect clear, understandable and entertaining presentations of nuanced and complex issues.

This event is free and open to the public.

Moore Hall B02 Basement Foyer
Sponsored by
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
More information
Sarah Chamberlin