#MeToo in Our Community: Gender-Based Violence on Campus

Display of #MeToo-related artwork & stories by members of the Dartmouth comment and discussion Tuk Tuk served. A WGSS student project.

October 15, 2018
6:15 pm - 8:15 pm
Paganucci Lounge, Class of 1953 Commons
Sponsored by
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
More information
Giavanna Munafo

In response to the artwork and stories on display, explore what actions we can take on Dartmouth’s campus. We hope we are able to inspire action and come up with ways for individuals on our campus to feel like they can create a safe space and support systems in their communities, whether or not they may have been exposed to these issues previously. Participants will identify actionable steps we can take moving forward to ensure the best resources are available for the people on this campus

Paganucci Lounge, Class of 1953 Commons
Sponsored by
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
More information
Giavanna Munafo