Goal Alignment and Integration for On- and Off-campus Language Programs

Dr. Tania Convertini from the Department of French and Italian will lead a discussion on this topic.

October 31, 2018
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm
102 Baker DCAL
Sponsored by
Guarini Institute for International Education (OCP)
Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
Registration required
More information
Francine A'Ness

Aligning learning outcomes between on-campus language courses and their LSA/FSP counterparts can be challenging. In these different contexts, what tools and practices contribute to effective learning? How can we ensure that wherever students are learning, they are experiencing an integrated and complementary curriculum? Dr. Tania Convertini from the Department of French and Italian will lead a discussion on this topic and share exercises that they used to integrate the Italian Program in Rome with the Italian program in Hanover. To Register: https://libcal.dartmouth.edu/event/4665107

102 Baker DCAL
Sponsored by
Guarini Institute for International Education (OCP)
Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
Registration required
More information
Francine A'Ness