This is not a drill! How to better help your peers learn a new language and ma

From students to students. A roundtable on language learning strategies and peer mentoring.

October 8, 2018
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
DCAL - 102 Baker-Berry
Sponsored by
French and Italian Department
Postdoc, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
More information
Tania Convertini

Are you a drill instructor or a language tutor? Have you ever tried to help other students learn a new language, only to feel like everything is going in one ear and out the other? Are you wondering if there’s a better way to get grammar and vocab to really stick in someone’s brain? Come to this roundtable discussion to share your experiences and hear from FRIT93 students about successful strategies to improve language learning efficiency!

This event is part of the Leslie Center Humanities Lab program, and it is organized in collaboration with the Rassias Center and the Tutor Clearinghouse.

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DCAL - 102 Baker-Berry
Sponsored by
French and Italian Department
Postdoc, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
More information
Tania Convertini