Paper Lanterns: The Untold Story of American Prisoners of War in Hiroshima

Screening and discussion of the film "Paper Lanterns" with the director, Barry Frechette

April 4, 2018
7 pm - 9 pm
Carson L01
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Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program
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Steven Ericson

"Paper Lanterns" tells the little-known story of the twelve American POWs killed by the atomic bomb at Hiroshima in August 1945.  It's also the story of Shigeaki Mori, himself a Hiroshima hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor), who has spent much of his life honoring the legacy of the slain Americans, creating a memorial to them, and contacting their families all over the United States.  It was Mori who was personally thanked on May 27, 2016, by President Obama immediately after the president's historic speech at the Hiroshima Peace Park.  The photo of their embrace instantly became an iconic image of Japan-U.S. reconciliation.

Carson L01
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Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program
More information
Steven Ericson