Science Pub at Salt hill in Lebanon

Humans are social animals, and social networks have important effects on emotional well-being, immune function, and health. What is the science behind our social interactions?

January 25, 2018
6 pm - 8 pm
Salt hill pub, 2 W. Park St., Lebanon, NH
Sponsored by
Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies
More information
Amanda Skinner

What motivates us to interact with people, to form communities, both online and in real life? Why are people attracted to one community over another, and how can people coming from apparently very distinct communities get along? Come to Science Pub to find out.

Discussion leaders:
Lorie Loeb is a professor in the computer science department at Dartmouth College, Director of the Digital Arts Programs (undergraduate and graduate), and the Executive Director of the Digital Arts Leadership and Innovation (DALI) Lab. Lorie is also the President/co-Founder of TellEmotion, Inc, a social entrepreneurship start-up aimed at motivating people to change behavior and conserve resources. Before coming to Dartmouth, Lorie was Senior Research Scientist in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. Cobb Hill has been home to Lorie and her family for 16 years. She is in the beekeeping enterprise. 

Luke Chang, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College and directs the Computational Social Affective Neuroscience Laboratory. He completed a BA in psychology at Reed College, an MA in psychology at the New School for Social Research, and a PhD in clinical psychology and cognitive neuroscience at the University of Arizona. In addition, Luke completed his predoctoral clinical internship training in behavioral medicine at the University of California Los Angeles and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Colorado Boulder in multivariate neuroimaging techniques. His research program is focused on understanding the neurobiological and computational mechanisms underlying emotions and social interactions and his research spans the emerging fields of social, affective, and decision neurosciences.

Seth Frey studies success in communities, teams, and other affinity groups using "big data" from engineered social systems like online communities, web experiments, video games, and sports. He is a Fellow at Dartmouth's Neukom Institute for Computational Science, and a professor of Communication at UC Davis. Before coming to Dartmouth he did research for the Walt Disney Company, which itself engineers large-scale social systems, like theme parks. He has a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and Informatics from Indiana University.

Salt hill pub, 2 W. Park St., Lebanon, NH
Sponsored by
Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies
More information
Amanda Skinner