"Miss Sloane"

Jessica Chastain gives a tour-de-force portrait as a ruthless D.C. lobbyist taking on a powerful gun group.

February 5, 2017
4:00 pm - 6:15 pm
Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
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Focusing on the gun control debate, this new thriller pulls back the curtain on how lobbyists, lawyers and politicians operate on Capitol Hill. Elizabeth (Jessica Chastain) is a ruthless lawyer/lobbyist notorious for her unparalleled talent and her desire to win at all costs. But when a powerful gun group asks her to devise messaging to turn women against background checks, Elizabeth quits her conservative firm to work for the opposition. Taking her expert team to a rag-tag, low-rent lobbying outfit, she uses everything at her disposal to ensure that the controversial bill passes.

More than an insider’s look at the blood sport of politics, Miss Sloane is an incredible character study featuring a woman playing a traditionally male role. She is the Bobby Fischer of lobbyists, distilled ambition in human form. Her character is given fascinating and bizarre depths (unexplained for the most part, a welcome change) and Chastain dominates every frame, garnering a Golden Globe Best Actress nomination. Directed by John Madden (Best Exotic Marigold Hotel), Miss Sloane is unapologetic, uncomfortable but always entertaining. D: John Madden, US, 2016, 132m



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Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
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