Physics and Astronomy: Astronomy Seminar

Dr. Roberto Saglia, Max-Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, Garchinm Germany

June 27, 2014
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Wilder 202
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Physics & Astronomy Department
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Tressena Manning

Title:  "Revisiting the Black Hole Fundamental Plane"

Abstract:  In the last 6 years we collected adaptive optics near infrared
2-dimensional spectra for 33 local galaxies with the SINFONI spectrograph
at the VLT. We used them to measure the masses of the supermassive black
holes present at the centers of these objects, by moleling their stellar
dynamics near the sphere of influence of the BH through our axisymmetric
Schwarzschild code. We combined these new measurements with the ones
available in the literature, and supplemented them with estimations of
their bulge masses, sizes and densities. With this catalogue of 100
galaxies we revisit the Black Hole Fundamental Plane. We establish
significant bivariate correlations between the black hole mass, the
velocity dispersion or bulge mass, and the scale length or density of the
bulge. They fit in a scenario of co-evolution of black holes and
'classical' bulges, where core elliptical galaxies are the product of dry
mergers of powe-law bulges, and power-law bulges are the resul of gas-rich
mergers of disk galaxies. In contrast, the (secular) growth of black holes
is decoupled from the one of their 'pseudo'-bulge hosts.

Wilder 202
Sponsored by
Physics & Astronomy Department
More information
Tressena Manning