Celebrating 200 Years: Kierkegaard's Legacy in the Arts, Philosophy, and Religion

Celebrating 200 Years: Kierkegaard's Legacy in the Arts, Philosophy, and Religion - Conference featuring lectures and panel discussion

May 16, 2013
1 pm - 9 pm
Hanover Inn Ballroom
Sponsored by
English Department
More information
Marcia Welsh
Kierkegaard poster

1:00-1:45 Eric Ziolkowski, Lafayette College, "The Angst of Influence: Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts"

1:45-2:00 Q&A

2:00-2:45 Edward F. Mooney, Syracuse University, "The Legacy of Fear and Trembling"

2:45-3:00 Q&A

3:00-3:30 Break

3:30-4:15 George Pattison, Oxford, "How to Write Being Christian in a Post-Christian Age"

4:15-4:30 Q&A

4:30-5:00 Panel with all three speakers

5:00-5:30 Reception

7:30-9:00 Ronald M. Green,"Kierkegaard and Hereditary Sin: A Modern Illustration from the Academy Award Nominated Film,'Incendies'"

Co-sponsored by the Department of Religion, the Leslie Humanities Center, Ethics Institute, Dickey Center for International Understanding, the Montgomery Endowment, and the Dean of Faculty's Office

Hanover Inn Ballroom
Sponsored by
English Department
More information
Marcia Welsh