Energy Department Funds Dartmouth Cybersecurity Initiative


cyber security lockeded shield and grid
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Dartmouth will receive $925,000 as part of the $28.1 million Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC), which will develop energy delivery systems for the electric power and oil and gas industries that are resistant to cyber-attack. The funding comes from the U.S. Department of Energy.

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Comprising 11 national laboratories and universities and led by the University of Illinois, CREDC is a successor to prior initiatives to create trustworthy cyber infrastructure for the power grid. Dartmouth has been a partner in the project since the beginning, 10 years ago.

In an Oct. 9 statement, the energy department announced the grant, which it said “will improve the protection of the U.S. electric grid and oil and natural gas infrastructure from cyber threats.”

Dartmouth’s Institute for Security, Technology, and Society (ISTS) Director Sean Smith and Sergey Bratus, the ISTS chief security advisor and a research associate professor are the Dartmouth principals in the undertaking.

“Professor Bratus and I—along with our students—will be continuing and expanding our work, looking at security issues in the cyber-physical system that is the smart grid, with relevance to the emerging Internet of Things,” says Smith, who is also a professor in the Department of Computer Science.

Joseph Blumberg