HHS Veterans Day Social Studies Classes: personal stories/ Q and A

Veterans from Dartmouth and the community to speak to students at Hanover High School.

November 9, 2017
8 am - 3 pm
Hanover High School
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Veterans Day Committee

This program provides high school students in the area an opportunity to meet and talk with individual veterans in a small classroom setting. The veterans talk about their military service and the students ask questions about their war experiences. Many local veterans, including Dartmouth faculty, students, and staff, have participated in making this program a tremendous success at Hanover High School. These discussion groups included all of the Social Studies classes, representing 95% of the student body.  The sharing of these experiences is informative and educational for the students and cathartic for the veterans.

If you are a veteran interested in volunteering please sign up on this link:


Dartmouth is proud to commemorate Veterans Day  with a series of events and programs. Please see the full schedule at www.dartmouth.edu/veterans

Hanover High School
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Conferences and Events
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Veterans Day Committee