Film: "Kedi"

Take a street-level tour of Istanbul—guided by thousands of cats who have roamed the city freely for centuries.

April 1, 2017
4 pm - 6 pm
Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
Sponsored by
Hopkins Center for the Arts
More information
Hopkins Center Box Office
(603) 646-2422

Take a street-level tour of Istanbul—guided by thousands of cats who have roamed the city freely for centuries. Follow the felines as they wander in and out of people’s lives, impacting them in ways only an animal who lives between the worlds of the wild and the tamed can. Cats and their kittens bring joy and purpose to those they choose, giving people an opportunity to reflect on life and their place in it. In Istanbul, cats are the mirrors to ourselves. D: Ceyda Torun, Istanbul, subtitled, 2016, 1h 20m

“I hope this film makes you feel like you have just had a cat snuggle up on your lap unexpectedly and purr endlessly for a good long time, while allowing you to stroke it gently along its back, forcing you, by the sheer fact that you canʼt move without letting go of that softness and warmth, into thinking about things that you may not have given yourself time to think about in the busy life you lead.” Director Ceyda Torun



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Visual Arts Center 104 Loew Auditorium
Sponsored by
Hopkins Center for the Arts
More information
Hopkins Center Box Office
(603) 646-2422