Beijing Shadow Theater and Pauline Bento

Beijing Shadow Theater and Pauline Bento

March 10, 2014
4:15 pm - 5:30 pm
Carson Hall Room L01
Sponsored by
History Department
More information
Pamela Crossley

Author Grant Hayter-Menzies will present on the life of Pauline Benton, a Kansan who in the 1920s broke into the male-dominated world of shadow theater (piyingxi) in Beijing. Though the traditional theater was a fore-runner of motion pictures and animation, it was dying in China, but Benton worked with Chinese performers to bring the art to the US and keep it alive. Hayter-Menzies recreates a world leading from ancient China to Mao's Cultural Revolution, and on to graphic arts and performance of the 21st century.

Carson Hall Room L01
Sponsored by
History Department
More information
Pamela Crossley