Make-A-Thon in the FAB Lab

Make-A-Thon in the FAB Lab - You have 24 hours to make something that shows what science is. Use art and technology. Prizes up to $1,000.

May 11, 2013
11 am - 11 am
Fab Lab (Hop Garage- across from the Hopkins Center Cafe)
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Event Calendar Administrator
More information
Lorie Loeb
You have 24 hours! Make something using art and technology that represents science. Think creatively. Work alone or in teams. We are looking for the most innovative, meaningful and elegant response to any or all of the questions: What is science? How could I represent scientific principles or data? How does science work? How might understanding science add more meaning to my life? What is physics or chemistry or biology or math or computer science or neuroscience, etc.?

We are very open to your ideas and will be looking for projects that best answer one of the questions above while utilizing a clever and beautiful mix of technology and art. Be innovative. Originally submitted by: Lorie Loeb
registration information
DAX website

Fab Lab (Hop Garage- across from the Hopkins Center Cafe)
Sponsored by
Event Calendar Administrator
More information
Lorie Loeb